About us

SourceOne Advisory is an independent consulting company specializing in the field of outsourcing, sourcing and procurement processes. We also support our customers in the development of shared services and business process outsourcing type centers.

SourceOne Advisory has operated on the market for almost 10 years, and our consultants have 15 years experience in outsourcing, BPO, SSC and ITO areas. We are pleased to have supported the most reputable companies operating in Poland, such as T-Mobile, Polish Television, Polish Railways, ING Bank, DHL, Polkomtel, PKN Orlen, PZU, Energa (see section OUR PROJECTS).

The largest consulting projects that we carried out were worth over USD 100 million each.

Our consultants:

  • have a very good understanding of contemporary business trends which shape the present-day company organization principles and capital flows

  • have extensive knowledge in various individual functional areas for which they are responsible in our company:
    - business characteristics of outsourcing contracts
    - financial analytics for IT outsourcing projects
    - characteristics of license and service agreements
    - legal issues in IT and outsourcing contracts
    - HR aspects in outsourcing contracts
    - project management
  • have proven themselves in real business practice, including the development and implementation of some of the biggest IT projects in Poland


We attach a lot of importance to complete independence, which allows us to select solutions that are optimal for our clients.

Our consultants conduct numerous IT outsourcing workshops and conferences. We are also authors of numerous publications and articles on outsourcing and sourcing (see PUBLICATIONS).

Piotr Rutkowski, Managing Partner of SourceOne Advisory, is also a lecturer at the Warsaw School of Economics and Leon Kozminski Acadamy.

Also see

In the publication there are presented the results of a survey carried out among Scandinavian companies from the Business Services Sector operating in Poland.
Kolejna edycja jedynej międzynarodowej branżowej imprezy odbywająca się w Niemczech. Forum koncentruje się na warunkach rynkowych branży BPO/SSC w Niemczech i krajach DACH. Jednocześnie pokazywane są możliwości inwestycyjne w branży oraz prezentowane są doświadczenia firmy działających w tej branży. W forum uczestniczy wielu gości zagranicznych z całego świata.
In terms of the real value of the company nothing is better than its clients’ words... See some opinions of our clients about their cooperation with us.

Our clients more

  • Polkomtel
  • PKP PLK (Polish Railways)
  • TVP (Polish Television)
  • Budimex
  • Pinebridge
  • PKN Orlen
  • T-Mobile
  • HDI Asekuracja
  • Centrum Operacyjne
  • Kopex
  • PZU
  • ING Bank
  • AmRest