Development of BPO and SSC outsourcing centers in Poland

Based on our experience and resources we can support you in all activities related to the development of shared services and business process outsourcing type centers in Poland. In cooperation with renowned partners we manage whole project, advise on choosing the location and the recruitment of employees. We supervise the process of office fit-out and IT infrastructure implementation.

Based on our experience and resources we can support you in all activities related to the development of shared services centers (SSC) and business process outsourcing (BPO) type centers in Poland by:

  • managing the whole project of new BPO/SSC center opening
  • providing reliable up-to-date market information
  • communication with local and central public administration bodies
  • selection the best location and negotiating the agreement for office space
  • establishing the new company in Poland with law firm support
  • managing the personnel recruitment process with best HR partners
  • office fit-out – project, agreement negotiation and delivery monitoring
  • IT systems and equipment delivery & implementation (possible infrastructure- as-a-service business model with no up-front investment)
  • managing the communication plan on the market with renowned media
  • partners and industry influencers.


Our team consists of renowned consultants, including project management experts experienced in managing geographically distributed and multi-disciplinary project teams, with the ability to work in multitasking and multicultural environment.

On the Polish market we cooperate with the majority of eminent:

  • real estate agencies
  • law firms
  • IT service and technology providers
  • HR agencies
  • local and central administration bodies
  • outsourcing industry media in Poland – and Outsourcing&More Magazine
  • industry networkers and influencers – Pro Progressio Foundation.


We attach a lot of importance to complete independence, which allows us to select solutions that are optimal for our clients.


Get more details, how we can support you in this area...


IT Infrastructure-as-a-Service for BPO/SSC centres in Poland

Do you really need to invest your money in the IT infrastructure for your new outsourcing centre? Is the on-going management and support for this infrastructure your core business? If NOT, then see our offer...

Investors who decide to launch their own new operations of this type are forced to bear large investment costs related to office lease and furbishing, recruitment of employees and implementation of IT technologies indispensable to the functioning of an outsourcing centre.

As a company with over 15 years of experience in the branch of outsourcing and profound knowledge of the reality of this business in Poland, we offer you a comprehensive service of providing a complete IT environment in the Infrastructure-as-a-Service model. This means that SourceOne invest in a purchase of complete IT equipment required for the operation of your centre, installs and implement all components and then provides a professional maintenance of the whole solution. You just need to conclude a term agreement with us (for at least 12 months), after which you pay agreed monthly fees for the full service.

If your outsourcing centre is developing and you decide to employ more employees, then what you need to do is just order an installation of additional workstations with us. The service will be completed within several days and your monthly payments will be increased by the fee precisely specified in the agreement.

With this service you'll gain following benefits:

  • you will concentrate on your core business, we will take care of the IT procurement, installation and management
  • no up-front investment from your side
  • full cost prediction
  • full service scalability
  • cooperation with business partner with over 15 years of experience in the branch of outsourcing and profound knowledge of the reality of this business in Poland.


See more details about our IT Infrastructure-as-a-Services offer...


Outsourcing project advisory

We advise on outsourcing and business processes insourcing projects with special emphasis on the IT industry. We offer strategic advisory, comprehensive project management, as well as help on specific areas where it may be necessary to optimize the process.

We advise our Clients in all activities connected with outsourcing processes, particularly in the area of ITO and BPO.

We conduct complex projects (of individual value of up to $100M), as well as supporting our clients in selected areas of a project. We also provide assistance in renegotiation processes of existing agreements which need optimization.

  • We provide support in creating the company’s sourcing strategy or strategic assumptions for specific agreements
  • We plan the tender and procurement processes, adjusting them to the scale and nature of the planned venture
  • We advise on creating and executing a plan of communicating the project to employees and market participants
  • At the client’s request we conduct the whole bidding process, including complete communication with bidders, without disclosing the client’s name
  • We prepare full tender documentation (SIWZ, RFI, RFP, RFQ)
  • We prepare a business case for the planned project
  • We develop methods of supplier selection and create assessment models for offers and suppliers
  • We perform the whole process of offer assessment on behalf of the client
  • We supervise the due diligence process
  • We prepare a draft agreement and support the client throughout its negotiation
  • We provide support in the agreement  implementation phase
  • We follow up the execution of the agreement’s business assumptions

Agreement renegotiations and procurement processes support

We support our customers in renegotiation processes of existing agreements and help to plan and execute procurement processes.

We offer comprehensive support in procurement and renegotiation processes of existing contracts/agreements, with particular focus on the area of IT. We provide professional advisory resources for specific negotiation areas:

  • consultants with expertise in specific areas (e.g. project management, ITIL, outsourcing, license agreements, support agreements)
  • negotiators
  • lawyers
  • HR experts.


Thanks to this approach we can offer optimal and fully integrated work results of all groups involved in supporting the process. In this way you can avoid problems which often emerge in negotiations due to insufficient information flow between particular groups and lack of consistency in materials produced.

We provide support in preparing negotiations, including:

  • creating a negotiation strategy and client needs list as well as defining objectives
  • defining negotiations timeline, subsequent stages and the negotiation team
  • preparation of supporting documents for the negotiation process, including:
    • negotiation objectives, objective ranking, priorities
    • negotiation plan including scope, schedule, assignment of responsibilities to individual members of the negotiation team
    • agreement assumptions, including a description of the subject of the agreement, client needs analysis, agreement duration, agreement budget, supplier’s remuneration, discounts, supplier’s obligations, other requirements specific to the agreement
  • Client support in internal arrangements concerning the scope of the agreement, including: drawing up notices, enquiries, calculations and other documents for obtaining opinions or approval of departments responsible for specific aspects of agreement negotiations, in accordance with the Client’s internal procedures (e.g. legal, tax, accounting); active participation in meetings with other departments’ representatives
  • analysis of documentation needed to carry out negotiations (including agreement drafts, existing license agreements, supplier business offers, understandings, Client’s internal documents)
  • contact with supplier, including formulating enquiries regarding business offers, product functionality, license scope and agreement proposals.


In the agreement negotiation phase we:

  • establish meeting subjects and dates with Client and supplier
  • participate in negotiation meetings
  • prepare notes, meeting minutes and other documents required by Client
  • develop proposals of agreement provisions
  • prepare proposals of alternative solutions to points of dispute for the Client’s approval (e.g. proposals of agreement provisions with notes on risk and acceptance or rejection consequences, value calculations of different variants of supplier business offers)
  • regularly update documents developed at the preparation  stage of negotiations.

Also see

In terms of the real value of the company nothing is better than its clients’ words... See some opinions of our clients about their cooperation with us.
In the publication there are presented the results of a survey carried out among Scandinavian companies from the Business Services Sector operating in Poland.
Kolejna edycja jedynej międzynarodowej branżowej imprezy odbywająca się w Niemczech. Forum koncentruje się na warunkach rynkowych branży BPO/SSC w Niemczech i krajach DACH. Jednocześnie pokazywane są możliwości inwestycyjne w branży oraz prezentowane są doświadczenia firmy działających w tej branży. W forum uczestniczy wielu gości zagranicznych z całego świata.

Our clients more

  • PKP PLK (Polish Railways)
  • Kopex
  • ING Bank
  • PKN Orlen
  • T-Mobile
  • HDI Asekuracja
  • Centrum Operacyjne
  • Pinebridge
  • Polkomtel
  • Budimex
  • PZU
  • AmRest
  • TVP (Polish Television)